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Juicing VS Blending

The hype around juicing and smoothies has yet to fade—and for good reason. Less than nine percent of Americans eat the USDA-recommended two to three cups of vegetables each day, according to a 2015 report by the CDC. And fruit consumption isn’t much better: only 13 percent of Americans eat the recommended one to two cups. 

Both juicing and blending are an easy way to pack several servings of fruits and veggies into one glass. Each has it’s own unique perks, but both allow you to drink up all-natural superfoods in less time than you can say, “what’s for dinner?” 

Remember: when it comes to leafy greens, a cup is not a cup. In order to ensure that you’re packing full servings into your juicer or blender, measure out two cups of leafy greens. Two cups of leafy greens equals one cup of veggies. 

Speaking of leafy greens, you may be confused when you see ‘BroccoLeaf’ listed under best vegetables to juice with. BroccoLeaf is the new Foxy Organic Produce SuperGreen. No, it’s not a new vegetable created in some lab—it’s just the leaves of a broccoli plant. One day, we tried them in our morning juice and realized it’s SO much easier to use than kale! Even SELF magazine named it one of the 5 superfoods you should try this year.

Happy juicing & blending

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