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Kale 101

In honor of National Kale Day this week, we're celebrating the importance of kale, why we grow it and why we eat it! We are proud to offer Organic Green Kale, Red Kale and Lacinato Kale. Read on to find out the differences between each type, usage ideas and yummy recipes!

Image of green kale

Green Kale

Kale may be the trendiest veggie of the first century, but it has a staying power for a reason. It’s been served since Roman times and with just 34 calories in one cup, it’s PACKED with nutrients. It’s particularly high in vitamin A and vitamin C; just one serving has more than 100% of your recommended daily value for both vitamins!

Kale’s health benefits can be multiplied depending on what foods you pair it with – like avocado can make fat-soluble carotenoids more available to the body. Think of these combinations as a one-two punch for your benefit!

While shopping, choose crisp, blue-green small-to-medium leaves. It’s best to refrigerate your kale – unwashed – and store up to 4 days.

Image of lacinato kale

Lacinato Kale

Lacinato kale is also known as Dinosaur kale, Tuscan kale or “cavolo nero,” which means black kale. This rich cooking green has had a place in Italian and Tuscan cuisine for years. It boasts the same nutritional benefits as its traditional green kale cousin while featuring heartier dark blue-green leaves.

Lacinato kale is actually improved with a little bit of frost – low temps can maximize sweet flavor in its leaves!

While shopping, avoid yellowing leaves or slimy stems. Once home, store your kale in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Make sure to rinse with cold water and trim stems before cooking.

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Red Kale

Red kale originated in Siberia and made its way to North American via traders in the late 1800s. With it’s blue-green leaves and reddish-purple veins, red kale is jam-packed with beneficial nutrients serving as 260% of your daily intake of vitamin A and 170% of your daily intake of vitamin C!

Eating red kale regularly may have wide-ranging benefits such as promoting eye and heart health and preventing cancer!

Choose crisp leaves while shopping. Refrigerate your kale unwashed and store up to 4 days. Make sure to rinse with cold water and trim stems before cooking.

Image of green kale, red kale, lacinato kale for 101 infographic

Some of our favorite kale recipes are perfect for Fall! Try our Crab and Kale Chowder made with Foxy Organic Green Kale!

Image of kale chowder and accompaniments on table

We’d love to see your recipes and photos! Please continue to share with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and tag @FoxyProduce for a chance to be featured on our page.

What’s new?

Did you know Foxy Organic is the new and EXCLUSIVE supplier of organic kale for MegaFood’s reformulated Balanced B Complex? For more information on our partnership with MegaFood, click here!

For more recipes and updates, please visit our website!

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