Red Leaf Lettuce

Red leaf lettuce is similar to romaine—only it has red-tinged leaves, of course. Red leaf lettuce is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is key for good vision and healthy skin.

Darker lettuces like red leaf lettuce carry more nutrients than lighter colored ones.

Handling Tips

Choose closely-bunched, fresh-looking leaves when shopping. Once home, be sure to remove the core and rinse leaves with cold water before patting dry and wrapping in paper towels to store in the crisper for up to one week. Don’t get stuck in a salad rut—try steaming, braising or even grilling your red lettuce leaves.

Rinse Before using
Store at 34-38° F

Growing & Availability

Oxnard, CA March-April
Salinas, CA April-June/October-November
Yerington, NV June-October
Yuma, AZ November-March